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Suprex Learning of Houston, Texas, your child will develop good writing and reading skills. Our highly qualified tutors will assess your child’s English skills and design an individualized educational plan that will provide instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, decoding, and word attack skills while simultaneously teaching academic vocabulary and comprehension skills and strategies. Our reading instruction enhances the English Language Learner’s ability to decode unfamiliar words and to make sense of those words in context will expedite their ability to make sense of what they read and learn from reading. Additionally, Suprex tutors will work with your child as he or she develops fluency, spelling, and grammatical conventions of academic language using meaningful contexts and relatable situations. Our tutors will also incorporate test-taking strategies into each session, in order to help your child perform successfully on his or her grade level STAAR testing.
Even with the use of computers and word processing software, Suprex Learning understands that students need to develop and maintain good handwriting skills. Therefore, Suprex tutors will teach basic handwriting skills, both printing and cursive skills, and provide students with the necessary brain training and muscle memory strategies to maintain these skills throughout his or her life.
1st Grade English Topics |
2nd Grade English Topics |
3rd Grade English Topics |
4th Grade English Topics |
5th Grade English Topics Covered |